Espen andersen bråthen instagram
Espen Andersen (@espenand) • Instagram photos and videos
Espen Andersen. Athlete. @fischernordic. Beijing 2022’s profile picture. Beijing 2022. 151 posts. 1,523 followers. 451 following. Fin helg i Schonach.
GlobalNet Pictures on Instagram: “BOW AND ARROW KILLER …
GlobalNet Pictures on Instagram: “BOW AND ARROW KILLER ESPEN ANDERSEN BRATHEN MAY AVOID PRISON DUE TO MENTAL ILLNESSBow and arrow killer Espen Andersen Bråthen, who is accused of slaying five people in Norway, is being kept in a secure psychiatric unit to determine whether he is mentally ill.Investigators said he has confessed to Wednesday’s deadly attack in Kongsberg, a town 42 miles from the capital Oslo, and could be kept for up to a month in pre-trial detention for assessment.If psychiatrists decide he is mentally ill he is likely to be confined under psychiatric care rather than serve a prison term.Police inspector Per Thomas Omholt said: “The hypothesis that has been strengthened the most in the first days of the investigation is that the background is illness.”Hanne Englund, a ceramic artist in her fifties, has been named locally as one of the five people murdered by Bråthen, 37, a ‘Muslim convert,’ who has been charged with five murders. He was apprehended following a chase in Kongsberg.Ceramic artist Mrs Englund worked from a studio attached to her home where she lived with her husband around 300 yards from the Coop supermarket in a town centre square where the attack began.Bråthen was reported to have fired lethal arrows at people in various locations across the town in what local authorities said ‘appears to be an act of terrorism.’In video footage posted on Youtube in 2017 and later taken down killer Bråthen said in both English and in his native tongue: “Hello. I am a messenger. I come with a warning. Is this really what you want? And to all who want to make up for themselves, so it’s time. Bear witness that I am a Muslim.”Norway’s PST security service became aware in 2015 that Brathen had become a Muslim and was “a vulnerable person who could be about to be radicalised”, revealed PST counter-terrorism chief Arne Christian Haugstoyl.Bråthen is Danish and the murdered victims were four women and one man aged between 50 and 70.Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Linkedin #globalnetpictures #GlobalNet_Pics #EspenAndersenBråthen #bowandarrowkiller #Kongsberg #Norway #mentallyill #psychiatricassessment #HanneEnglund #muslimconvert #PerThomasOmholt”
7 Likes, 3 Comments – GlobalNet Pictures ( on Instagram: “BOW AND ARROW KILLER ESPEN ANDERSEN BRATHEN MAY AVOID PRISON DUE TO …
7 Likes, 3 Comments – GlobalNet Pictures ( on Instagram: “BOW AND ARROW KILLER ESPEN ANDERSEN BRATHEN MAY AVOID PRISON DUE TO MENTAL ILLNESSBow and arrow killer Espen Andersen Bråthen, who is accused of slaying five people in Norway, is being kept in a secure psychiatric unit to determine whether he is mentally ill.Investigators said he has confessed to Wednesday’s deadly attack in Kongsberg, a town 42 miles from the capital Oslo, and could be kept for up to a month in pre-trial detention for assessment.If psychiatrists decide he is mentally ill he is likely to be confined under psychiatric care rather than serve a prison term.Police inspector Per Thomas Omholt said: “The hypothesis that has been strengthened the most in the first days of the investigation is that the background is illness.”Hanne Englund, a ceramic artist in her fifties, has been named locally as one of the five people murdered by Bråthen, 37, a ‘Muslim convert,’ who has been charged with five murders. He was apprehended following a chase in Kongsberg.Ceramic artist Mrs Englund worked from a studio attached to her home where she lived with her husband around 300 yards from the Coop supermarket in a town centre square where the attack began.Bråthen was reported to have fired lethal arrows at people in various locations across the town in what local authorities said ‘appears to be an act of terrorism.’In video footage posted on Youtube in 2017 and later taken down killer Bråthen said in both English and in his native tongue: “Hello. I am a messenger. I come with a warning. Is this really what you want? And to all who want to make up for themselves, so it’s time. Bear witness that I am a Muslim.”Norway’s PST security service became aware in 2015 that Brathen had become a Muslim and was “a vulnerable person who could be about to be radicalised”, revealed PST counter-terrorism chief Arne Christian Haugstoyl.Bråthen is Danish and the murdered victims were four women and one man aged between 50 and 70.Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Linkedin #globalnetpictures #GlobalNet_Pics #EspenAndersenBråthen #bowandarrowkiller #Kongsberg #Norway #mentallyill #psychiatricassessment #HanneEnglund #muslimconvert #PerThomasOmholt”
Espen Andersen Bråthen: – Jeg angrer veldig, jeg kommer …
Drapene i Kongsberg, Espen Andersen Bråthen | Espen Andersen Bråthen: – Jeg angrer veldig, jeg kommer ikke til å drepe igjen
18. mai 2022 — Espen Andersen Bråthen: – Jeg angrer veldig, jeg kommer ikke til å drepe igjen. Drapsmannen sa også at han skulle ønske drapsofrene var …
Drapsmannen sa også at han skulle ønske drapsofrene var i live i dag.
og Netflix-bruken til drapssiktede Espen Andersen Bråthen
Drapene i Kongsberg, Kongsberg | Politiet saumfarer Youtube- og Netflix-bruken til drapssiktede Espen Andersen Bråthen
15. nov. 2021 — Drapsmannen er 38 år gamle Espen Andersen Bråthen som har erkjent handlingene, men har ikke tatt stilling til skyldspørsmålet.
Sjekker også all netthistorikk og bruk av sosiale medier til 38-åringen.
VG – Drapssiktede Espen Andersen Bråthen (37) beskrives…
15. okt. 2021 — Flere brukere har problemer med Instagram-appen torsdag ettermiddag. Ifølge Downdetector har brukere i Norge og flere land rapportert om …
Bråthen om Kongsberg-angrepet: – Jeg angrer veldig – VG
18. mai 2022 — BUSKERUD TINGRETT (VG) Espen Andersen Bråthen (38) sier i retten at han fikk en tanke om å bli født på ny, og at det var derfor han drepte …
BUSKERUD TINGRETT (VG) Espen Andersen Bråthen (38) sier i retten at han fikk en tanke om å bli født på ny, og at det var derfor han drepte fem personer i Kongsberg.
Aktor håper Espen Andersen Bråthen fortsetter forklaringen i …
Aktor håper Espen Andersen Bråthen fortsetter forklaringen i retten – VG
18. mai 2022 — Advokat Andreas Christiansen i rettslokalet i Hokksund i Buskerud tingrett før han startet utspørringen av Espen Andersen Bråthen onsdag.
Drapstiltalte Espen Andersen avbrøt brått sin egen forklaring i tingretten onsdag. Både aktor og forsvareren håper han vil fortsette torsdag.
Bekreftet: Dette er mannen som er siktet for fem drap
14. okt. 2021 — Det er Espen Andersen Bråthen (37) som er siktet for de grusomme handlingene i Kongsberg onsdag kveld hvor fem mennesker mistet livet.
Det er Espen Andersen Bråthen (37) som er siktet for de grusomme handlingene i Kongsberg onsdag kveld hvor fem mennesker mistet livet.
Espen Andersen Bråthen forklarer seg i Buskerud tingrett – NRK
25. mai 2022 — Drapene i Kongsberg. Dette er saken. Hva. Espen Andersen Bråthen (37) er siktet for å ha drept fire kvinner og …
Keywords: espen andersen bråthen instagram